Is this a cute way to ask my friend to prom?
Is this a cute way to ask my friend to prom?
I wanna ask my best friend to prom. our prom isn't until the first week in May but I wanna ask her on Valentine's day, I'm good at wood work so I'm making her a jewelry box and at the bottom Im gonna engrave happy Valentines day or something like that and I wanna fill the bottom with fake Rose petals from Michael's or some other arts and craft store and in the corner just barely sticking out but so yet you can see somethings there I wanna put a picture of us hugging and on the back I wanna write will you got to prom with me kiss on check for yes or Kiss on cheek for yes. This is so she doesn't have a door to say no, Is this a good idea, yes im a guy
mep-hphsoftball: that is such a cute idea! i would definatly say yes if someone asked me to prom like that.
2010-11-23 19:19:30
2010-11-23 19:19:30
MsAdviceColumn: It depends how close you are.. if you guys are just friends that hang out sometime then that would be kinda creepy. But if you guys are like REALLY close then yea I think thats pretty cute :) have fun.
2010-11-23 19:19:56
2010-11-23 19:19:56
Curious in Seattle: Sounds like a cute idea, but I'm wondering about making this plan already. What if you both have someone special by May? Maybe you'll just want to double date. Maybe keep the idea, but don't decide on its recipient just yet. Good luck!
2010-11-23 19:20:33
2010-11-23 19:20:33
Bronté xx.: that will make her day :) as a girl I would love it if a guy made something for me. She better say yes because what you're doing is so sweet! Also goo idea "me kiss on check for yes or Kiss on cheek for yes"
2010-11-23 19:21:30
2010-11-23 19:21:30